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NILE Delivers Letter to Congress Urging the Reopening of Capitol Hill


Yesterday the National Institute for Lobbying & Ethics (NILE) delivered the following letter to Congressional leadership requesting bipartisan dialogue to determine a timeline for the reopening of Capitol Hill. This letter was signed by over 200 organizations and individuals who represent millions of people across the nation.

To allow Capitol Hill ample time to implement the necessary safety measures, NILE requests the Capitol be open by July 11, 2022.

Below is the letter delivered to Congressional leadership and the accompanying signatories.


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Mar 18, 2022

It is time to reopen Congress to the American people. The USA has shed the onerous conditions that the pandemic caused, and now sees itself as becoming normal in interpersonal releationships again. We should now be able to discuss topics with our elected officials in person, as it remains the ideal path for human intercourse.

-Paul Burn, Senior Vice President & Survey Director, GCW, Inc.


Mar 17, 2022

It is time for American to reengage with its elected representatives. As a health care provider, it is medically sound to open Capitol Hill and reestablish the vital touch to Congress

Richard A Huot, DDS

AGD Council on Legislative and Government Affairs


Mar 17, 2022

I encourage the reopening of Capitol Hill. Open and direct lines of communication with our elected representatives is now more important than ever as we work to solve the infrastructure issues of our nation.

- Jason Krueger, Vice President, Ayres Associates


Mar 16, 2022

Visiting in person shows respect, and the delivered message may just be important.

I agree, it's time to reopen Capital Hill.

Mark Schubert, President, Aerial Surveys International, ATP


Mar 16, 2022

It's time to reopen Capital Hill. Congress is called the "People's House" for a reason. We the people need access to our political leaders in order for the government to operate effectively. More than ever America needs our economy to boom and the backbone of the American economy is and always has been the small business. Open up and let small business men and women have access to their government.


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