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NILE Applauds Speaker McCarthy For Reopening The People’s House

For Immediate Release Contact: Paul A. Miller March 1, 2023 P: (703) 383-1330 E:

Washington, DC – On January 3, 2023, Speaker McCarthy (R-CA) kicked off the 118th Congress by keeping one of his earliest promises – to reopen The People’s House to the people on day one.

For nearly three years Capitol Hill remained closed to constituents. Today we celebrate our democracy with the official full reopening of Capitol Hill. NILE has been sympathetic to the challenges faced by COVID and other safety concerns and has spent the past two years offering solutions on how Capitol Hill could be reopened safely. With the support of the Speaker, we make that a reality for every citizen in this country.

“It has been a real challenge having meaningful work accomplished during the pandemic. Our communities, and our future leaders should experience being in Washington, seeing the activity, feeling the energy and excitement that surrounds the Capitol and laws being made! Government by the People, For the People, should actually be With People. Think about why thousands of people fill an auditorium to see a live performance or a Superbowl. Talking to a small square on a computer screen is not really living. We are so grateful to be able to walk the Halls of Congress once again,” stated Jocelyn Hong, NILE president.

NILE would like to thank Speaker McCarthy for immediately reopening Capitol Hill. It’s been three months since the Capitol and surrounding buildings have been re-opened and it has been exciting to see so many people participating in our government again or simply coming here to see their government in action. Our democracy cannot be disconnected from the people ever again. This is what we witnessed when Congress closed its doors to constituents in 2020. If the people are going to be heard, they need to have the opportunity to petition their government in person, not virtually. With the Speaker’s leadership, the People’s House is once again open to all who seek to visit.

“We appreciate that now congressional staff can utilize their time more efficiently not being required to escort guests in and out of the building. We thank them for their patience in complying with these rules knowing that it was important to meet people in person on important matters,” added Hong. “This day was a long time coming,” stated Paul A. Miller, NILE’s board chairman. “With the support of the Speaker, we once again get the opportunity to petition our government in person. The People’s House is re-opened so that everyone has the right to be heard. A right is taken away from so many when Congress closed its doors to the people. This is a great day for our democracy,” added Miller.

“As a veteran of the USAF, owner of a small business, and President of my industry national

association, The Association of TeleServices International an association that represents

hundreds of Telephone Answering Services and their thousands of employees; I am honored to be in attendance for the reopening of the National Capitol in Washington, D.C. I am here and we are hoping for a better-working congress that will compromise and work for the American People, not a specific political party's agenda. I am here to represent hope for a brighter future for our country.” Jim Reandeau, Focus Telecommunications, Inc.

“The Capitol is the People’s House and serves as the Voice of the People, and U.S. citizens must have the Constitutional right to see democracy in action. All other venues have reopened as a post-pandemic response. Allowing the Capitol to be open to the public will help advance the citizens’ confidence in our nation’s busy legislative branch.

Since Congress is the heart and soul of our democracy, it is important to allow citizens to watch their representatives in action. This is more than symbolic since interaction with the people is imperative. Congressional representatives must work together to find solutions to pressing public policy issues such as inflation, immigration, and preserving democracy. May compromise light their way.

If “the secret to getting ahead is getting started,” this is a great week for Congress to open its doors, roll up their sleeves, and follow Mark Twain’s advice. If not now, when?” Jill LandsmanNational Court Reporters Foundation

“Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. looks forward to working with the 118th Congress. As

military surviving spouses of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, we look to this Congress for help to secure equitable benefits.” Gabriella Kubinyi, Gold Star Wives of America, Inc.

I am thrilled that under Republican leadership, the people’s house will be open again. It is

essential that when visiting DC, representing the 400,000 taxpayers in my community, I have

access to our Capitol and to our representatives.”The Honorable Kevin Van Ostenbridge, Manatee County Commission

“One of the great freedoms in this country is in the First Amendment – to petition elected

representatives for the redress of grievances. That ability has been hampered for years due to the pandemic and security concerns. The National Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) supports taking safety and security measures seriously, but the careful reopening of the Capitol complex, so constituents can meet with their representatives, has been long overdue. We are overjoyed that this vital aspect of our democracy has been restored.”Gerald F. Hemphill, President of the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents

“One of the differences between the United States and so many other countries is the freedom we enjoy. Today’s opening of Capitol Hill affords citizens the opportunity to petition our government directly. Our industry has been struggling since the start of COVID and have had little opportunity to be heard. Today this changes for me and our industry.” Mike Tucker,

Workplace Solutions Association

“To quote President Lincoln, government must be government of the people, by the people, for the people. Today we celebrate the reopening of Capitol Hill and showing the world we are still the greatest democracy because our citizens have access to those elected to represent them.” Jeb Corey, C&H Taxi

“Today every citizen’s voice was restored with the reopening of the U.S. Capitol. For nearly

three years this country has settled for a virtual government. No longer! Today, thanks to the

leadership of Speaker McCarthy, we have the opportunity to petition our government in-

person.” Abena Bonso-Bruce, The Transportation Alliance

“As a student, this has been quite the learning experience. Until now I never appreciated how important it was for our government to be open so that regardless of who you were or what your issues were, you had the opportunity to be heard. It took the closing of these historic buildings for me to truly appreciate what they mean and what it means for them to be open to people like me.” Taylor Miller, High School Student

Congress will be more accountable and well-informed with small business owners and

entrepreneurs back on Capitol Hill. Sound policymaking requires the input of our nation’s job

creators and innovators. Therefore, we are both relieved and happy that advocacy groups such as SBE Council can resume a more regular in-person presence through small business

constituent meetings, educational events, and direct advocacy on Capitol Hill. Entrepreneurs

are critical to providing feedback and information about policy design and legislation impacting the economy and small business growth. I cannot overstate the importance of having an open and accessible Congress as it relates to the process of relevant and effective policymaking for America’s small business community. We look forward to a full reopening of all U.S. Capitol complex buildings in the near future.” Karen Kerrigan, Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council

“NAIFA applauds the reopening of the Capitol Complex. The organization’s three 2023 fly-ins (March, May, and December) will result in thousands of financial advisors from across the

country. These constituents, typically from every state, look forward to again meeting with their lawmakers in the Capitol, and House and Senate office buildings.” National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors


Who is NILE

NILE is a national organization representing lobbying, public policy, and government affairs

professionals. NILE aims to promote professionalism, competence, and high ethical

standards through education. NILE works to provide a unified voice for the profession and the Constitution’s First Amendment right to petition the government.

Above all else, NILE is committed to promoting ethical lobbying. NILE promotes transparency so anyone can go online and see who our clients are, what issues we are working on, and how much we are paid.NILE prescribes a strong Code of Ethics for its members to follow, as well as, a rigorous Public Policy Certificate Program that assures lobbyists have complete knowledge of the legislative and regulatory processes.

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