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Lobbying Profession Condemns Violence at the U.S. Capitol

Updated: Mar 9, 2021


Washington, DC – Yesterday was a sad day for our country and our democracy. Regardless of whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, we cannot condone violence of any kind. We may not like every election outcome, but insurrection, rioting and violence cannot be the answer. We must trust in our electoral systems.

The United States is a nation of laws and the U.S. Capitol Building -- our shrine of democracy was disrespected and violated. Divisive political rhetoric no longer has a place in our society and must be shunned. Last night our Congress stood up and protected our electoral system by fearlessly fulfilling its constitutional obligations. We applaud their courage and leadership.

What yesterday continues to show is that people from all walks of life have lost faith in government, our legislative, political, and judicial processes. We urge leaders from both sides of the aisle to come together to heal the Nation. We urge them to put their political differences aside and end the politics of personal destruction for the good of the country. What we saw yesterday can never be the norm and if we are going to start the process of healing our divisions, we need our leaders to take immediate action.

As the new Congress convenes, we must change the culture in Washington and find more ways to bridge political divides and to always avoid politics over country. Healing will not happen overnight, but we must continue to advocate that both sides work together so that we can move the country forward.

As a profession, we will join you in this effort.


The National Institute for Lobbying & Ethics (NILE) is the premier professional association for those in the government affairs, public-policy, lobbying, grassroots, political action committees, and communications fields. NILE’s focus is on promoting ethical lobbying and providing the profession with continuing education.

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